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    Sunday, May 10, 2020

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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    How Molly Baz Developed BA’s Best Chicken Parm—and Lived to Tell the Tale

    When I first noticed that we didn’t have a recipe for BA’s Best Chicken Parm, I nearly flipped. Sweating, sputtering, shocked, and confused, I immediately texted Adam Rapoport, the editor in chief of Bon Appétit (yes, my boss) to express my dismay at this gross absence in our repertoire. Developing this recipe was a matter of utmost urgency, I told him.
    Within seconds he was onboard, ready to tackle this beast with me. And thus, our long, arduous, chicken parm journey began. Six weeks, 20 pounds of chicken (don’t worry, ALLLL of them were eaten), a bazillion micro-tests of different components, and no shortage of arguments later, we finally struck the perfect balance of crunchy fried chicken cutlet, rich tomato sauce, and ooey gooey cheese, and turned out what we think is a pretty flippin’ delish, home cook–friendly version of the classic. Here’s how it all went down: Watch Now: Watch Molly and Adam make chicken parm at home.The Chicken Naturally, it made sense to start here. We tested chicken breasts and thighs, pounding them to all sorts of precisely measured thicknesses. To each of those we applied a myriad of marinades (white wine, lemon juice, vinegar) and seasonings (garlic powder, onion powder, lemon zest, freshly grated garlic…) until we landed on the winning combination: Chicken breasts that get butterflied and pounded to ⅓-inch thick, before being bathed in a mixture of freshly grated garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil. The lemon juice was clutch in tenderizing the chicken and keeping it from getting tough when cooked, all the while bringing some brightness and zippy, zingy flavor to a dish typically associated with anything but. As for the breasts, I’ll admit I was pretty into the thighs at first—dark meat is obviously superior! But Adam was right to stick with the classic. Just don’t tell him I said so. The Breading In search of the crispiest crunchiest cutlet out there, we tested plain breadcrumbs, panko breadcrumbs, a mix of plain and panko breadcrumbs, and panko breadcrumbs that had been blitzed in a food processor until fine. We even tested a double dredge, for goodness sake! Ultimately, we landed on a classic three-part breading process of flour (salted, of course), beaten egg (doctored with garlic powder and onion powder for some extra Italian-American flava), and panko breadcrumbs, which held up the best under all the sauce and cheese. Just remember: You must take the time to really pat them on to the cutlet before frying or you’ll end up with some bare spots and nobody likes those! Story continues The Sauce This is when things got tense. The goal was to create a simple but bold sauce using canned tomatoes, but the number of routes we could take to get there felt limitless: Chunky and juicy or smooth and velvety? Crushed tomatoes or tomato puree? Both onions and garlic or just garlic alone? Fresh basil or dried oregano? Olive oil or butter? Etc. Etc. Etc. After 10 or so different sauces (a few of which featured “rustic chopped onions,” in Adam’s word) we went with a super smooth sauce made from pureed tomatoes (for texture), very finely minced onions (for natural sweetness and vegetal flavor), crushed garlic (for ease), a few tablespoons of tomato paste (for extra tomato-eyness), and a pinch of salt and sugar (for flavor!). We think it turned out quite nice. The Cheese Can you even call it chicken parm if you don’t get a good cheese pull? And for that, we knew we needed mozzarella on top of the already obvious parm. But then came the questions: Should we use low moisture or fresh mozz? Grate the cheeses or slice the cheeses? Combine and sprinkle the cheeses together, or add them separately for more of a layering effect? And most importantly, how much is too much? After many iterations we landed on a mixture of 2 parts mozzarella to 1 part Parmesan, both grated, and mixed together, before being generously, and I mean generously, showered over the crispy-crunchy cutlet. With one caveat: There MUST be some entirely un-sauced, un-cheesed edges of cutlet peaking out in order to maintain the proper ratio of crisp to soggy. Ain't she a beaut? Photo by Emma FishmanThe Assembly Step 1: If an evenly crispy, golden-brown crust is what you’re after (and clearly, it is), then you need to fry them in enough oil so that the cutlets can float as they cook, never hitting the bottom of the pot. (Baking them, would yield wan lifeless cutlets so that was never going to be an option.) A neutral oil such as canola or vegetable was the obvious choice, thanks to its high smoke point, affordability, and neutral flavor that wouldn’t overtake all that delicious zippy chicken we just took the time to marinate. Step 2: We knew we wanted the whole shebang saucy, but we didn’t want the bottom of cutlets to sog out as they sat in their baking dish. So we landed on a compromise: A liberal blanket of sauce over the cutlets, a few more dollops to the negative space around them, and any leftover sauce gets served in a sidecar (classic cocktail–style) alongside for additional DIY saucing. Step 3: Then, the melt. After much consideration we decided that throwing the baking dish under the broiler for just a few minutes would most efficiently melt and brown the cheese without overcooking the already fried chicken breasts (no baking here!). I don’t know about you, but I’m here for juicy chicken and perfect cheese “leoparding” on my chicken parm, and that’s exactly where we ended up. The Finale: Oh, and let’s not forget the finishing touch—and Rapo’s biggest claim to fame in this recipe: A light but necessary sprinkling of “micro-minced parsley” (his words, not mine) over the bubbling, cheesy chicken parm for some aesthetically minded color contrast.

    Yes, it’s quite the project, but the payoff is worth it, we promise (you can even break the process up over a couple days, if you prefer!). NOW GET OUT THERE AND RING THAT PARM ALARM!!! Get the recipe: BA’s Best Chicken Parm Molly BazAdam Rapoport Originally Appeared on Bon Appétit

    Skip the frying and make chicken Parm on a sheet pan

    The humble sheet pan is the hero of weeknight cooking. Its sleek, spacious surface allows the busy home cook to get a balanced dinner — protein! starch! vegetables! — on the table quickly with very little prep or cleanup. Just chop, drop and roast. That’s why every week, we’ll be sharing throw-it-all-on-a-sheet-pan recipes from our favorite chefs and home cooks.
    Whether you’re cooking for yourself, friends, family or meal-prepping for the week, you should keep these one-pan meals in your back pocket — or, rather, your oven. This week, chef and TV host Elena Besser shares her recipe for a healthier, weeknight-friendly take on a comfort-food favorite: Sheet Pan Chicken Parm with Roasted Garlic Bread and Broccoli. Chef and TV host Elena Besser used to love eating chicken Parm growing up. (Elena Besser) Growing up in Chicago, I have a few vivid memories in relation to food: I ate a lot of boxed mac and cheese and bologna sandwiches, my mom made delicious brisket and we’d order deep-dish pizza every Sunday night for dinner. Why broccoli? For health! (Elena Besser) When we went out to eat, 80% of the time we chose an Italian-American restaurant and every person in my family would order chicken Parmesan. Well, not everyone — my vegetarian sister would order eggplant Parm — but you get the idea. The server would always laugh when they'd deliver seven orders of chicken Parm and one order of eggplant Parm to the table, but we were proud of our choices every time. We’ve all gotten older but one thing still remains: Chicken Parm is still a great love in our lives. Don't skimp on the mozz. (Elena Besser) I used to cook at an Italian restaurant in Brooklyn called Lilia, but chicken Parm was not served on the menu. On my day off, when I was really missing home, I would make myself a personal portion of chicken Parm and remember those nights out with my family that first inspired me to cook for a living. Chicken Parm isn’t a super complicated recipe but I understand why my mom wouldn’t want to make it in our house. The process of breading the chicken, frying it in oil and finishing everything in the oven was an exhausting feat, especially when feeding seven to 10 people. Story continues A complete meal — all made on the same sheet pan.

    (Elena Besser) So when I developed this recipe, I was really trying to come up with a way for parents everywhere, just like my mom, to make chicken Parm all in one place. This sheet pan Parm skips the frying step and adds roasted garlic bread and broccoli to make it a complete meal with very little cleanup. Plus, it’s a healthier way to enjoy everyone’s favorite Italian-American dish. Sheet Pan Chicken Parm with Garlic Bread and Broccoli by Elena Besser

    How To Make The Perfect Chicken Parm At Home

    FREEPORT, ME - OCTOBER 9: A half of a chicken parmesan sandwich is seen at Derosier's sandwich shop ... [+] Friday, October 9, 2015 in Freeport, Maine. (Photo by Joel Page/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images) Portland Press Herald via Getty Images It’s an Italian-American speciality.
    If you’re from New York, it’s pretty much its own food group. I’m talking, of course, about chicken parmigiana. Some of you might know it as ‘parmesan’. But a melted-cheese and tomato sauce-smothered cutlet by any other name should taste just as delicious. Particularly if you’re following the recipe below, shared by chef Bernhard Klotz, of Regent Seven Seas Cruises. Before he gets into the details, he shares some exclusive insight with Forbes on how he’s managing the COVID-19 crisis. How are you holding up during these turbulent times? I am finding new ways to be positive. My routine consists of going walks and enjoying meals with my loved ones has strengthen my familial bond and for that I could not be more thankful. What are some basic tips we can use to find nourishment when we’re holed up at home? For the most part, I recommend eating healthy with salads, vegetables and lean proteins. For a dose of nostalgia, I recommend eating comfort food that reminds you of your childhood or preparing exotic dishes that remind you of your travels. What are some things that you’re doing to pass the time/preserve your well-being? I exercise by walking and working out on a stationary bike and when I’m relaxing, I like to read. Why do you feel as though this is a particularly comforting meal for home preparation? Chicken parmigiana is a classic and the ingredients are typically readily available. Should an ingredient not be available, mostly any item can be substituted with something else from the pantry or refrigerator. The mozzarella can be substituted with another semisoft cheese, tomato sauce with a mushroom sauce, chicken with fish and so on. What are some key ingredients that are vital to have stocked in your kitchen while you’re stuck at home? Basic key ingredients you should always have in your kitchen include extra virgin olive oil, black pepper, sea salt, fruits, vegetables, flour, sugar and eggs. For the fun items, I like to have green and yellow plantains, scotch bonnet peppers, frozen fish, pasta, tomato and pesto sauce, dried beans, lentils, potatoes, sauerkraut, smoked sausages, bratwurst and mustard. Any good shows, albums, or books that you can recommend for quarantine consumption? I recommend comedies (a guilty pleasure of mine is the Big Bang Theory) as laughter and fun is so important. As far as good music goes, my personal recommendation includes Adele, Andrea Bocelli and Reggae music. For books, I suggest picking up an informative and interesting cookbook to learn how to make new dishes. Food can be used as a means of learning about others, new cultures and engage with those around you. When the normalcy of life presumes and I get back on a cruise, I will definitely be taking advantage of Regent Seven Seas Cruises’ Culinary Arts Kitchen Classes to continue my food culture education. Can you provide a little background on the dish and why it's a fun/easy one to make at home? This may sound a bit cliché, but as an Austrian I love Wiener Schnitzel. The Italian version is also a favorite and is prepared with parmesan cheese in the breading, tomato sauce, topped off with mozzarella cheese and served with spaghetti. WASHINGTON, DC- JANUARY 2: Chicken Parm photographed for Voraciously at The Washington Post via ... [+] Getty Images in Washington, DC. (Photo by Stacy Zarin Goldberg for The Washington Post via Getty Images; food styling by Lisa Cherkasky for The Washington Post via Getty Images) The Washington Post via Getty Images INGREDIENTS 4 pieces small skinless chicken breasts Salt and freshly ground pepper 1 cup vegetable oil for frying Breading 1 cup all-purpose flour 3 large eggs beaten Crumbs for Breading 1 ½ cups bread crumbs ½ cup parmesan grana Padano grated 1 tablespoon Italian parsley finely chopped Spaghetti ½ pound spaghetti pasta dry 4 quarts water 1 tablespoons salt 1 tablespoon olive oil 4 ounces tomato sauce Topping 8 ounces buffalo mozzarella thin sliced 6 ounces tomato sauce Garnish 8 ounces tomato sauce 4 sprigs fresh basil for garnish DIRECTIONS Chicken Breading and Frying Lightly pound the chicken breast, season with salt and pepper. Mix breadcrumbs, parmesan and parsley together 1. Dredge chicken escalope in flour, shake off excess flour 2. Dip both sides of the chicken escalope into the beaten egg 3. Coat both sides of the chicken escalope with bread crumb mix. Heat vegetable in in a skillet and fry chicken escalope until golden brown on both sides and the meat is thoroughly cooked well done. Remove from the oil and pat dry. Spaghetti Cook the spaghetti in lots of boiling salt water until al dente, drain the spaghetti, toss with olive. Heat tomato sauce in a skillet and add the spaghetti and add little of the pasta water.

    Season to taste with salt and pepper. Presentation Place the chicken on a baking sheet, top with tomato sauce and cover with sliced mozzarella cheese. Place shortly under the salamander to melt the cheese. Spoon tomato sauce in the serving dish, arrange the spaghetti, using a meat fork and roll the spaghetti into a neat twirl and place in the serving dish. Place the chicken in the serving dish and decorate with fresh basil leaves. Chicken Parmigiana By Chef Bernhard Klotz Christina Moschetti

    iPhone SE vs. iPhone 11 comparison: Which Apple phone to buy in 2020

    As the sequel to Apple's 2016 sleeper-hit iPhone of the same name, the new iPhone SE starts at $399, £419 or AU$749. With that price tag, the phone aims to court budget-minded users who may not be able to splurge on $1,000 handsets like the iPhone 11 Pro or Galaxy S20.
    While that does mean some cuts in hardware (the phone has a smaller 4.7-inch display and a single rear camera, for example) the iPhone SE does include some modern fixings, such as the same A13 processor as the iPhone 11 phones.  Need more specifics? Here's an in-depth walk-through of how these two models differ so you can learn what exactly the iPhone SE offers at its lower price. Angela Lang/CNET With a four-year gap between the new iPhone SE and the older one, Apple brought many upgrades. That includes wireless charging, better camera specs and water resistance. (Unfortunately, for wired headphone users, the new iPhone SE doesn't have a headphone jack.) If you're looking for a new iPhone but want to save as much money as possible, the iPhone SE is your best bet -- you'll save $300 outright compared to the price of the iPhone 11 (which costs $699, £729 or AU$1,199). Read our Apple iPhone SE (2020) review. Angela Lang/CNET The iPhone 11 costs $300 more than the iPhone SE. Despite having many of the same internal specs, however, its main advantages are twofold: It has a bigger screen (6.1 inches versus 4.7, measured diagonally) and it packs better camera specs all around (a second wide-angle lens and a better selfie camera, for starters). If both are big priorities for you, get the iPhone 11. Read our Apple iPhone 11 review. Size and design: iPhone SE is small and compact The most obvious difference between the two phones is that the iPhone 11 is larger. The iPhone 11 has a 6.1-inch screen while the iPhone SE has a 4.7-inch display. While you get more screen real estate for your apps and watching videos with the former, the iPhone SE will draw users for its comfortable portability and compact grip.  Both iPhones have LCD displays, but the iPhone 11 has a "Liquid Retina HD display" while the iPhone SE has "Retina HD." These are branding terms that Apple uses to differentiate its display technology; all you have to know, though, is that the iPhone 11's screen is sharper, although they both have the same number of pixels-per-inch or pixel density. Some users will also like the iPhone SE's home button. Now that Apple is discontinuing the iPhone 8, the iPhone SE will be the only iPhone Apple will sell with a physical home button. In addition to being intuitive to use, it also means you don't have to use swipe gestures to return to the home screen or call up recent apps. The home button will also house the device's fingerprint reader for unlocking the phone and authorizing digital payments (what Apple calls Touch ID). The iPhone 11, however, uses facial mapping sensors on the front-facing camera for biometric security (aka Face ID). The devices are both IP certified for water protection. But because the iPhone 11 is rated IP68 compared to the iPhone SE's IP67 rating, it means that the iPhone 11 is a tad more durable against submersion (as in, it's certified to withstand longer or deeper immersion in water). On paper, an IP67 level of certification means the iPhone SE can survive in up to a meter (3.3 feet) of water for about 30 minutes. Lastly, the iPhone SE only comes in black, white and red. The iPhone 11 comes in those three colors, too, but if you want more options, you can also get it in pastel yellow, green and purple.   The new iPhone SE in red. Angela Lang/CNET Camera: iPhone 11 has the upper hand If you're not necessarily a camera power user, the iPhone SE's single 12-megapixel rear camera should suffice for posting images on Instagram and casual video recording. But if you care about photography or want more tools at your disposal, the iPhone 11 has a notably better camera setup than the iPhone SE. The iPhone 11, for instance, has a second wide-angle camera. That means you can take sweeping landscape photos or creative, more dramatic pictures at close distances. The iPhone 11 also has Apple's low-light camera mode, Night Mode. Night Mode reduces things like digital artifacts, graininess and motion blur to capture and brighten up images taken in dim lighting. As for the front-facing camera, the iPhone 11 doesn't just have a better selfie camera because it has more megapixels (12 megapixels compared to the iPhone SE's 7 megapixels). It can capture 4K video (compared to the iPhone SE's 1080p video) and record slow-motion video, too. Processor and battery: Both have A13 Bionic As its main budget phone, Apple could have outfitted the iPhone SE with an older processor. But the device is equipped with the latest proprietary A13 Bionic chip, the same one that's inside the iPhone 11. When we ran processing performance speeds on 3DMark and Geekbench 5, both phones clocked in similar results, which is also to say that the iPhone SE performed comparably -- and at times better than -- the Galaxy S20, Pixel 4 and the OnePlus 8 Pro.  Apple's A13 processor. Screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET As always, Apple doesn't disclose the iPhone SE's battery capacity. According to the run times listed on Apple's site, the iPhone SE's battery is similar to that of the iPhone 8, which isn't as long as the iPhone 11. (Unofficial tear-downs from third parties also revealed that the iPhone 11 has a 3,110-mAh battery while the iPhone 8 has a 1,821-mAh battery.)  When we ran continuous video playback on Airplane mode, however, both phones lasted the same: about 15 and a half hours, give or take.

    While we have yet to run streaming tests on the iPhone SE, it's promising that the first set of battery runs are similar to the iPhone 11. iPhone SE (2020) vs. iPhone 11 Apple iPhone SE (2020) iPhone 11 Display size, resolution 4.7-inch Retina HD; 1,334x750 pixels 6.1-inch LCD Liquid Retina; 1,792x828 pixels Pixel density 326ppi 326ppi Dimensions (inches) 5.45 x 2.65 x 0.29 in. 5.94x2.98x0.33 in. Dimensions (millimeters) 138.4 x 67.3 x 7.3mm 150.9x75.7x8.3mm Weight (ounces, grams) 5.22 oz.; 148g 6.84 oz.; 194g Mobile software iOS 13 iOS 13 Camera 12-megapixel 12-megapixel (wide), 12-megapixel (ultrawide) Front-facing camera 7-megapixel 12-megapixel Video capture 4K 4K Processor Apple A13 Bionic Apple A13 Bionic Storage 64GB, 128GB, 256GB 64GB, 128GB, 256GB RAM Not disclosed Not disclosed Expandable storage No No Battery Not disclosed Not disclosed Fingerprint sensor Home button No Connector Lightning Lightning Headphone jack No No Special features Water resistant (IP67); dual-SIM capabilities (nano-SIM and e-SIM); wireless charging Water resistant (IP68); dual-SIM capabilities (nano-SIM and e-SIM); wireless charging Price off-contract (USD) $399 (64GB), $449 (128GB), $549 (256GB) $699 (64GB), $749 (128GB), $849 (256GB) Price (GBP) £419 (64GB), £469 (128GB), £569 (256GB) £729 (64GB), £779 (128GB), £879 (256GB) Price (AUD) AU$749 (64GB), AU$829 (128GB), AU$999 (256GB) AU$1,199 (64GB), AU$1,279 (128GB), AU$1,449 (256GB) Now playing: Watch this: iPhone SE reminds us how much we missed the home button 12:32

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    iPhone SE vs. iPhone 11: Comparing cameras from both phones

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    The iPhone SE and iPhone 11 have different camera hardware but both are powered by the A13 Bionic processor, making photos and videos sometimes quite similar. Angela Lang/CNET Despite the overall approval of Apple's $399 price tag for its new iPhone SE, there was a lot of speculation about the camera hardware and how it compares to the iPhone 11.
    Its rear camera has the same specs as those of the iPhone 8 from 2017, but some theorized that it might have the sensor from 2018's iPhone XR . It took an iFixIt teardown of the new iPhone to show that the SE was actually packing the same lens and sensor as the iPhone 8. That means all the improvements to image quality as well as the addition of features like Portrait Mode, came purely from the A13 Bionic chip. This processor is the same one found in the $699 iPhone 11. © Angela Lang/CNET The iPhone SE and 11 have different camera hardware but both are powered by the A13 Bionic processor making photos and videos sometimes quite similar. Since both phones have the same processor, naturally I wanted to compare photos and videos. To date, the iPhone 11 phones have not only the best cameras on any iPhone, but one of the best all-around camera systems on any phone. The iPhone SE has a lot to live up to, but as you will see, it can go toe-to-toe with its pricier Apple siblings. This comparison shows that when it comes to photography and recording videos, the real consideration isn't the number of megapixels or number of cameras.  Instead, it's all about the processor. iPhone SE vs. 11: SmartHDR makes photos look fantastic The combination of the A13 Bionic chip and iOS 13 absolutely raises the iPhone 8's camera hardware to the next level on the SE. The iPhone SE's rear camera has a 28mm f/1.8 lens, while the iPhone 11 has two rear cameras: a main one with a 26mm f/1.8 lens and an ultrawide-angle camera with a 13mm f/2.4 lens.  Since the 11 has an ultrawide-angle camera and the SE doesn't, there isn't much to compare. But here are a couple of my favorite photos that I took with the ultrawide-camera anyway

    © Provided by CNET Here is an ultrawide-angle photo I took of both my scallops and my friends before social distancing was the norm. Patrick Holland/CNET © Provided by CNET The iPhone 11's ultrawude-angle lens makes the tops of skyscrapers bend towards me. Patrick Holland/CNET When I focused on the main cameras of each, I noticed that in good light, photos were nearly indistinguishable. Look at the pictures of a tree I took in my backyard below and you won't be able to tell much of a difference. The iPhone SE photo is framed ever-so-slightly tighter than the iPhone 11. But in every other way (even when I zoomed into each to 100% on a large monitor) I couldn't see any other differences. © Provided by CNET Aside from framing, there photos look identical. The left one is from the iPhone SE and the right one is from the iPhone 11. Patrick Holland/CNET Take a look at the photos I took of some wood slats. Again, aside from framing, it's hard to see any difference. When I zoomed in, details from each photo were good. Both had small amounts of image noise in the shadows of the slats. The reason photos in good light look so similar is that whether you're on an iPhone 11, 11 Pro or the new SE, the latest version of SmartHDR is used to process and optimize details and textures. It also pushes the dynamic range as much as possible without the image falling apart. Here is where we start to see some differences between the two phones. The photo below of a tree showcases the strength of SmartHDR processing. This scene has lighting extremes with dark shadows under the tree and bright highlights in the clouds.  Look closely at the iPhone 11 photo and you can see the shadows have more detail and aren't as dark as the iPhone SE. In the sky through the branches, you see that both photos have blown out highlights, but the iPhone 11 has less. Though this is a minor detail, it's evidence that the main camera on the iPhone 11 handles a wider dynamic range better than the iPhone SE. Portrait mode: 1 camera vs. 2 Both phones have portrait mode and produce excellent results. The 11 can take portrait mode photos of people and pets while the iPhone SE can only do people, which is a big drawback if your an animal lover. With the portrait mode photos below, you'll see that they look very similar. The iPhone 11's portrait captures more details. For example, look at the hair on John's forehead. Also, the falloff over the shoulders from in-focus to out-of-focus areas appears more natural from the iPhone 11 and that might be due to the fact that it uses both rear lenses to create the effect. © Provided by CNET Portrait mode photos from the iPhone SE (left) and iPhone 11 (right). Patrick Holland/CNET Deep fusion processing for medium to low-light When we get into medium- and low-light environments, the differences between the two phones are even starker. That's because the iPhone 11 has Deep Fusion processing which improves image quality, details and minimizes image noise. The iPhone SE lacks Deep Fusion. The photos below are of my bike trainer taken indoors in medium lighting. Besides the tighter framing in the iPhone SE photo, there is a notable difference in terms of image quality. The photo from the 11 have a pinch more detail, like around the wall outlet. In addition, the bottom right corner of the iPhone SE's photo suffers from image noise in the shadows. I'd say that for indoor and medium light photos, the 11 has the edge because its use of Deep Fusion processing.  Night mode vs. no night mode Night mode, which is on the iPhone 11 but not the SE, is another sizable difference between the two phones. Night mode uses adaptive bracketing, taking a series of images with various shutter speeds. It combines them into a single photo that is brighter, has less image noise and improved details. Like the iPhone 11's ultrawide-angle camera, your own preferences will dictate whether having night mode is a deal-breaker. But let's see what it can do. Below are photos of a tree in my backyard taken when it was extremely dark. The iPhone 11 night mode looks better in every way. But that was a pretty extreme way to test the phones. Below is a slightly brighter low-light scene of a book, an eye drop bottle and my computer. It was dim enough to trigger night mode on the iPhone 11. As you can see if you look closely at the bottle of eye drops, the iPhone 11's photo is sharper, has better details and color accuracy. Finally, compare the author names on the spine of the book. The text looks softer in the SE photo and the book's spine is slightly a different color. Rear camera video is nearly identical Like photos in good light, it's also difficult to discern video recording between the main rear cameras on both phones. Both phones can shoot up to 4K, 60 fps and have extended dynamic range (aka: "HDR" but for video). However, the 11 offers extended dynamic range up to 4K 60fps, whereas the iPhone SE can only support it up to 4K 30fps. Take a look at the video below which contains footage filmed from both the iPhone 11 and SE. Click to expand UP NEXT As you can see from 4K, 60fps the footage, both videos look similar. But if you look closer, the speaker on the shelf behind me looks more contrasted in the iPhone 11 video. The lamp over my shoulder in the iPhone 11 video also isn't blown out, whereas in the iPhone SE video it is. That's due to the iPhone 11's extended dynamic range at 4K 60fps. To see more videos filmed with the iPhone SE, watch the video below. Front-facing camera: More detailed selfies and 'slowfie' video Videos taken with the front-facing cameras, however, show a larger difference in quality. The iPhone 11 has a wider front-facing camera, and it's capable of 4K and slow-mo videos. The iPhone SE can only shoot 1,080p video and can't shoot "slofies." Both can take portrait photos, but the iPhone 11 captures much more detail (in my hair and skin, for example). Some people might not miss seeing all those details in their skin. In terms of video from the front-facing cameras, you can really see the difference in resolution and hear it in the audio. Video from the iPhone 11 sounds better and has more clarity than from the iPhone SE. Again, check out the video that accompanies this article to watch video shot with the front-facing cameras.

    After doing this camera comparison, it's obvious that the iPhone 11 has a better and more versatile camera system. But in many situations, the iPhone SE was able to capture images that are as comparable and brilliant, despite being hundreds of dollars cheaper than the iPhone 11.
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